Best Travel Tips for Conferences

Sunday Beauty // July 23 // 0 Comments

Hi beauty besties!

I’m here to share what I’ve learned. These are my best travel tips for conferences…

Research Conference

Researching a conference before attending can provide valuable information about the event, such as its schedule, speakers, and topics covered. Researching a conference to attend can be a daunting task, but it’s important to ensure that your time and money are well-spent. Start by identifying your goals and the topics you’re interested in learning more about. Look for conferences that ALIGN with those goals and topics, and consider factors such as location, cost, and size. Read reviews from previous attendees, and check out the speakers and agenda to get a sense of the event’s quality and relevance to your interests. Don’t forget to also consider any additional perks or activities offered. Additionally, researching the conference can help you identify potential networking opportunities and prepare questions or comments to contribute to discussions. By doing your research beforehand, you can come to the conference well-informed and ready to engage with others in your field. Once you’ve identified a few promising conferences, weigh the pros and cons and make a decision based on what will best suit your needs. Because I choose only a few conferences to attend I am very selective on the ones I choose. This is the first best travel tip for conferences.

Buy VIP Tickets

I try to buy VIP tickets to the conferences I attend if they offer it as an option. I have found that being VIP really has its perks and helps me be immersed in the experience. Buying VIP tickets for conferences can provide several benefits. Firstly, VIP ticket holders often have access to exclusive sessions and networking events that are not available to regular ticket holders. Also, VIP ticket holders may receive special perks such as front-row seating, early access to the venue, and even one-on-one meetings with speakers or sponsors. VIP tickets can also offer a more comfortable and luxurious experience, with amenities such as private lounges and premium food and drinks. Finally, attending a conference as a VIP can help to enhance your professional reputation and increase your visibility in your industry. Investing in a VIP ticket can provide valuable opportunities for networking, learning, and personal growth.

Reach Out to Organizer

Another of my best travel tips for conferences is to reach out to the organizer. It is a good practice to reach out to the conference organizer before attending because it allows you to clarify any questions or concerns you may have. By doing so, you can ensure that you have all the necessary information about the conference, such as the schedule, location, and any special requirements. I have found that I get little SNEAK PEAKS, perks, and feel more comfortable attending when I speak to the organizer first. In addition, reaching out to the organizer can help you make connections and network with other attendees before the conference even begins. It also gives the organizer an opportunity to provide you with any updates or changes to the conference that may have occurred since you registered. Reaching out to the organizer can help ensure a smoother and more enjoyable conference experience.

“A conference is like a vacation for your business. You’re able to get away from the daily grind.” – Kristy Oustalet

Bring Business Cards

Bringing unique business cards to a conference is a great idea for several reasons. First, it allows you to easily exchange contact information with other attendees, potential clients, or even future employers. It also helps you to establish a professional image and demonstrate that you are SERIOUS about networking and building relationships. As well, having a unique physical card can leave a lasting impression and make it easier for others to remember you and follow up after the conference. If you have seen my business cards you know what I meanly unique, get a custom shape, colour, font, paper, or insert a picture or QR code. In the end, bringing business cards is a simple but effective way to make the most of your conference experience. Bringing business cards is an important aspect of my best travel tips for conferences.

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A Tappy business card or dot can be beneficial for conferences because it allows for a quick and easy exchange of contact information between attendees. With a simple tap or scan of the card, contact information can be shared automatically without the need for manual input or exchanging physical business cards. This can save time and reduce the risk of lost or forgotten cards. Additionally, Tappy cards can be customized with additional information such as social media profiles or company websites, making it easier for potential business connections to learn more about each other. I love to bring my Tappy card and dot with me, especially when I bring one of my assistants along with me, its a great way to share info with multiple people at a time. I do still love my traditional paper business cards but this adds an option for those into technology.

Here’s my tappy!

Elevator Pitch

One of my best travel tips for conferences is an elevator pitch. Having a great elevator pitch is important because it allows you to quickly and effectively communicate your message or idea to others in a concise and compelling way. It can help you make a strong first impression, capture someone’s attention, and potentially open up opportunities for collaboration or investment. Furthermore, having a well-crafted elevator pitch can give you confidence in your own abilities and help you clarify your own thoughts and goals. I prefer to have a more natural elevator pitch, I do like to practice but I’m not super robotic or over polished. A great elevator pitch is a valuable tool for anyone looking to make an impact or achieve success in their personal or professional life.

Checkout your Goodie Bag

Checking out your goodie bag during and after a conference is important for a few reasons. First, it allows you to see what items or materials were provided by the conference organizers, such as informational brochures, business cards, or branded merchandise. This can help you better understand the conference theme or topic, as well as provide you with resources to follow up on after the event. I love to go personally thank those who contributed to the goodie bags. Also, it gives you the opportunity to network with other attendees who may have received similar items and can provide valuable insights or connections. Once, I nearly purchased an item I already received in my goodie bag so it is good to always check. Taking the time to review your goodie bag can help you identify any missed opportunities or areas for improvement for future conferences or events. 

Get your goodie bag girl!

Dress to Impress on Brand

Another of my best travel tips for conferences is to dress to impress and on brand. Dressing to impress and on brand to conferences is a great piece of advice. When you dress up, it shows respect for the event and the people attending it. As well, it helps to establish a professional image and can aid in building credibility and trust with potential clients or partners. You’ll want to look you best to take content so give yourself some time to do your hair and makeup. I always say, you can NEVER be overdressed. Dressing on brand can help to reinforce your company’s values and messaging, creating a cohesive and memorable impression. I like to dressing up in my brown company colours or if it is a casual event i’ll wear one of my loungewear sets. Finally, dressing well can increase confidence and make you feel more prepared, which can positively impact your performance at the conference.

If you’re going on a business trip, it’s important to pack accordingly to ensure that you have everything you need to be productive and comfortable during your trip. Here’s a list of things you might want to consider bringing:

  1. Important documents: Make sure you have all the necessary paperwork for your trip, including your passport, visas, travel itinerary, and any work-related documents you might need.
  2. Electronics: Bring your laptop or tablet, phone charger, camera, and any other electronics you might need to stay connected and productive.
  3. Comfortable Clothing: Depending on the nature of your trip, you might need to pack business attire or more casual clothing. Be sure to check the weather forecast at your destination and pack accordingly.
  4. Toiletries: Bring all the toiletries you need for your trip, including toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and any medications you need.
  5. Snacks: Bring some snacks to keep you fueled during your trip. Pack some healthy options like fruit, nuts, and granola bars.
  6. Travel pillow: If you’re going to be spending a lot of time on a plane or in a car, a travel pillow can make a big difference in your comfort level.
  7. Business cards: Bring plenty of business cards to hand out to potential clients or contacts you meet during your trip.
  8. Money: Make sure you have enough cash and credit cards to cover any expenses you might incur during your trip.

Remember to pack smart and keep your luggage organized to make your business trip as stress-free as possible.

Buy Products at Discount

It’s great to buy discounted products at conferences because they often offer significant savings compared to regular prices. I like to save up for my conferences to be able to stock up on my favourite products on sale. Conferences also provide the opportunity to see and try out products in person before making a purchase. In addition, vendors at conferences may offer exclusive deals or bundles that are not available elsewhere. Taking advantage of discounted products at conferences can save money and provide access to unique offerings. Conferences are like an outlet store for products you likely order online. Getting your discounted items is one of my best travel tips for conferences.

Listen to Speakers

Listening to speakers is one of my best travel tips for conferences. It is important to listen to speakers at conferences because they are experts in their field and can provide valuable insights and information. By listening to them, you can learn new things, gain a better understanding of a topic, and potentially get ideas for your own work. I know at a recent conference I had a headache from learning so much, but I took fantastic notes and started incorporating them into my business both immediately and months later. Moreover, conferences often provide a unique opportunity to ask questions and engage with the speaker directly, which can further enhance your learning experience. To conclude, actively listening to speakers at conferences can greatly benefit your personal and professional growth.

Make Notes

Making notes during a business conference can be incredibly beneficial. Firstly, it helps you to retain information and remember important details, which can be crucial when it comes to implementing new ideas or strategies in your work. Taking notes allows you to capture KEY POINTS and insights that you may not have otherwise thought about or remembered. This can help you to stay engaged and focused throughout the conference, and can also provide you with a useful reference for future use. I like to record notes in my phone so I can access them anywhere, sometimes I like to work remotely and it’s so helpful to be able to access my notes. Making notes is a great tip and one of my best travel tips for conferences. At one of my conferences, I sat VIP front row and took notes the entire time, one of the speakers later came up to me to tell me that he noticed me. This started a wonderful conversation. My advice, if you’re going to do it, do it 100%. Overall, making notes is a simple but effective way to ensure that you get the most out of your business conference experience.

For more of my ideas, look at my other blog posts!

Chat with Speakers After

Chatting with the speakers of a conference after the event can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities. Speakers often have a wealth of knowledge and experience in their field, and can offer further clarification or advice on topics discussed during the conference. At one of my conferences I snuck into the booth area where they were cleaning up to chat with a few of the companies I missed during the conference, best decision ever, I went home with a new friend, more knowledge, and a bunch of free merch. They loved that I came to speak with them, it why they do it, to connect with others in the same industry. Chatting with speakers after is a fantastic tip in my best travel tips for conferences. Furthermore, connecting with speakers can help expand your professional network and potentially lead to future collaborations or job opportunities. It’s a great way to deepen your understanding of the subject matter and make meaningful connections in your industry.

“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.” – Seth Godin

Take Next Day Off

I recommend to take the next day off after a conference as one of my best travel tips for conferences. Taking the next day off after a conference can be so beneficial. To begin with, it allows you to rest and recuperate after a long day of travel and networking. That’s some real social exhaustion. It also gives you time to reflect on what you learned and how you can apply it to your work. All I wanted to do after my recent concert was get to work, it was hard to turn my brain off. I like to spend the next day reaching out to all of the businesses that attended, all the speakers, and all the new friends I made to thank them for the experience. Also, it gives you the opportunity to catch up on any work that may have piled up while you were away. At my last conference I referred to the conference like Disney Land; there is so much to do, to learn, to buy its overwhelming. Taking a day off can help prevent burnout and improve overall productivity in the long run.

Book Hotel

Booking a nearby hotel or airbnb to your business conference has many advantages and is one of my best travel tips for conferences. Firstly, it saves time and money on transportation to and from the conference venue. Sometimes those early morning starts can be rough. Moreover, staying close to the conference allows you to NETWORK with other attendees and potentially have more opportunities for business connections. Being nearby also allows for easy access to any additional events or activities associated with the conference. I made the mistake once to have two hour travels to and from the conference, and that mistake I’ll never make again. Booking a nearby space can enhance your conference experience and ultimately benefit your business.

Send Thank Yous

Sending a thank you to conference organizers is a good idea because it shows appreciation for their efforts and hard work in putting the event together. It also helps to build a positive relationship with them, which may be beneficial in the future. I enjoy taking the next couple of days to connect with everyone I met at the event. I do multiple social media posts with tags and also DM them. In addition, expressing gratitude is a simple way to demonstrate professionalism and good manners, which can leave a positive impression on others. Taking the time to send a thank you can help to foster a culture of appreciation and respect within the professional community – its one of my best travel tips for conferences.

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Listen to Recordings

Conference recordings may be one of the most valuable things you receive from attending a conference. Re-listening to conference recordings after the event is great for multiple reasons. Firstly, it allows you to revisit important information and insights shared during the event, which you may have missed or not fully understood during the live sessions. As well, it provides an opportunity to take notes and reflect on the content in a more focused and relaxed manner. I like to re-listen while I complete business tasks to get motivation. Re-listening also enables you to deepen your understanding and knowledge on the topics covered, and to gain new perspectives and ideas that may not have occurred to you during the live sessions. In summary, re-listening to conference recordings is an excellent way to maximize the value and impact of attending a conference.

Implement teachings

You should only attend a conference if you have the intention to implement what you have learned into your business, otherwise it is a waste. Implementing the teachings from a business conference can be a valuable way to improve your overall business and professional skills. You must have learned something from someone. Sometimes I learn most from the person sitting next to me. After attending the conference, review your notes and identify key takeaways. Consider how you can apply these takeaways to your work and set specific goals for yourself. It’s also a good idea to share what you learned with your team, and work together to develop an action plan. It is okay if the process takes years if it is a BIG idea) or just minutes to incorporate into your business as long as you are working on it. Lastly, be sure to follow up on your goals and continue to learn and grow from future conferences and opportunities. Implementing teachings is the most important of my best travel tips for conferences.

Work that booty off to achieve your dreams!

Checkout the conferences I’ve attended on insta!

Kisses, A

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