Consequences of Not Following Hair Aftercare

Sunday Beauty // August 6 // 0 Comments

Hi beauty besties!

Hair extensions can help hair grow—but only if they're fitted and looked after correctly. If you're considering hair extensions, be sure to talk to a professional stylist to ensure that they're applied correctly and that you know how to care for them properly.

Here are some consequences if you do not follow hair aftercare instructions:


Hair extensions are a great way to add length, volume and style to your hair. However, if not properly taken care of, they can cause matted hair, which can be difficult and painful to remove. You don't want matting to be one of the consequences of not following hair aftercare. Matted hair occurs when hair extensions become tangled and knotted, resulting in a matted mess that can be difficult to COMB or BRUSH OUT. To prevent matted hair, it's important to take care of your hair extensions properly. This includes brushing and detangling your hair regularly, using a gentle shampoo and conditioner, and avoiding excessive heat styling. It's also important to avoid sleeping with wet hair, as this can cause your hair extensions to become tangled and matted. If you do experience matted hair, it's best to seek professional help from a hair stylist or extension specialist. They can use specialized tools and techniques to gently remove the knots and tangles without causing damage to your natural hair or extensions. I would also recommend to use detangler often so less knots or matting. With proper care and maintenance, your hair extensions can look great and last for months.

Traction Alopecia

Hair extensions are a popular way to add length and volume to your hair. Though, if not maintained properly, they can cause traction alopecia (hair loss) as a consequence of not following hair aftercare. Tension hair loss occurs when the hair follicles are constantly pulled and stretched, leading to hair breakage and thinning. One of the main causes of tension hair loss is wearing improperly installed hair extensions for an extended period of time. Extensions should be removed and reinstalled every six to eight weeks to give your hair a break, this is called a maintenance appointment. As well, using too heavy extensions for your hair density or installing them too tightly can also cause tension on the hair follicles. To prevent tension hair loss, it is important to take proper care of your hair extensions. This includes avoiding the use of heat styling tools excessively, such as flat irons and curling irons, as well as using proper hair care products. The last thing you want is bald patches throughout your scalp. If you are experiencing traction alopecia, it is important to take a break from wearing extensions and seek advice from a hair care professional. With proper care and maintenance, hair extensions can be a great way to enhance your natural hair without causing damage.

Fun Fact: Your hair is an investment. Not an expense.

Shampoo Buildup

It's true that hair extensions require extra care to prevent damage and keep them looking and feeling their best. One potential issue that can arise with hair extensions is shampoo buildup. This occurs when product residue accumulates on the hair, creating a sticky, gummy feeling that can be difficult to remove. Shampoo buildup can make hair extensions look dull and lifeless, and may even cause them to tangle or break. To prevent shampoo buildup, it's important to use a gentle, hydrating, sulfate-free shampoo that is specifically formulated for use with hair extensions. Avoid using too much product, as this can lead to buildup over time. Be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly after shampooing, and consider using a clarifying shampoo twice a month to remove any buildup that may have accumulated. I recommend getting hair clips to pin your hair up in the shower while you wash your hair extensions in sections. In addition to using the right products, it's important to take good care of your hair extensions by brushing them gently and avoiding excessive heat styling. In the beginning, I was bad at washing my hair extensions thoroughly until I was better educated, now I take my time to ensure my extensions are clean. By following these tips, you can help keep your hair extensions looking and feeling their best, and prevent shampoo buildup from becoming a consequence of not following hair aftercare.

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Oil Buildup

Hair extensions are great to add length and thickness to your hair if you take care of them. One of the most important things to do is to follow the aftercare instructions I provide. If you don't follow proper aftercare, you may experience issues such as oil buildup as a consequence of not following hair aftercare. This occurs when you don't wash your extensions frequently enough, or if you use products that are too heavy. When oil builds up, it can make your extensions look wet and unwashed, and it can also contribute to tangling and matting. To prevent oil buildup, it's essential to wash your extensions regularly with a CLARIFYING SHAMPOO. You should also avoid using heavy styling products, and try to keep your hair away from your face, as the natural oils from your skin can transfer to your extensions. Moreover, it's a good idea to brush your extensions gently on a regular basis, using a soft-bristled boar brush or a wide-tooth comb. By following these simple aftercare tips, you can help ensure that your hair extensions look and feel great for as long as possible. So, make sure you take good care of your extensions, and enjoy your beautiful new look!

Dirty Hair

Hair extensions can be a great way to add volume and length to your hair, but like your natural hair, they require proper care in order to stay healthy and beautiful. If you neglect to care for your hair extensions, they can easily become dirty and unmanageable, which can be frustrating and even embarrassing. To prevent your hair extensions from getting dirty, it is important to wash them regularly using a hydrating shampoo and conditioner. I know wash day can be daunting but it is important to wash your hair extensions often. I wash my hair weekly. Be sure to avoid using harsh products that can damage the hair or cause it to become tangled as a result of not following hair aftercare.. Finally, if you are unsure about how to properly care for your hair extensions, it is always a good idea to consult with a professional stylist who can provide you with helpful tips and advice. I always provide my clients with aftercare tips after their installation appointment. With the right care and attention, your hair extensions can look beautiful and natural for months to come.

Stringy Look

Hair extensions must be cared for properly to prevent them from looking stringy or damaged. You don't want a stringy look to be one of the consequences of not following hair aftercare. Here are a few tips to help you keep your extensions looking their best:

  1. Brush your extensions regularly: Use a soft-bristled boar brush or a wide-tooth comb to gently detangle your extensions. Be sure to start at the ends and work your way up to the roots to avoid pulling or damaging the hair.
  2. Wash your extensions carefully: Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner formulated for extensions and avoid washing them too frequently. Be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly and avoid rubbing or twisting the hair when drying it.
  3. Avoid heat styling: Excessive heat styling can damage your extensions, so try to avoid using hot tools like curling irons and flat irons. If you do need to use heat, be sure to use a heat protectant spray and keep the temperature as low as possible.
  4. Store your extensions properly: When you’re not wearing your extensions, store them in a cool, dry place, such as a drawer or a closet. You can also use a special hanger or storage case designed for extensions.

By following these tips, you can keep your hair extensions looking beautiful and natural for as long as possible. With a little bit of care and attention, your extensions will look just as good as your natural hair!

Weight on Natural Hair

Aftercare is an essential part of maintaining hair extensions, and neglecting it can indeed put additional weight and strain on your natural hair. Hair extensions can add significant volume and length to your hair, but they also require proper care to prevent damage to your natural hair and protect the investment you’ve made in your extensions. As well, you don’t want to ask for too much hair to be added that your scalp can’t handle, this would add weight. The max amount I install is 200 grams. When you wear hair extensions, you need to be mindful of the additional stress they place on your natural hair. If you don't take care of your hair extensions by washing and conditioning them regularly, you may end up with a heavy mess that can be difficult to manage. This can cause your extensions to pull on your natural hair, which can lead to breakage, thinning, other issues, and be a consequence of not following hair aftercare. To avoid this, make sure to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your stylist or the manufacturer of your hair extensions. By taking good care of your hair extensions, you can keep them looking beautiful while also protecting your natural hair from damage.

"Invest in your hair, it is the crown you never take off." 

Tangling and Dreadlocking

Don't let tangling and deadlocking be a consequence of not following hair aftercare. Hair extensions are a great way to add a new style to your hair. But, you must specially care for them. One of the main causes of tangles in hair extensions is lack of aftercare. It is important to brush your extensions regularly to prevent knots from forming. Use a wide tooth comb or a soft bristle brush and start at the ends, working your way up to the roots. Another way to prevent tangling is to avoid using too much product on your extensions. Heavy styling products can cause buildup and make your extensions more prone to tangling. Instead, use lightweight products that are specifically designed for use with hair extensions. It is also important to be gentle with your extensions. Avoid pulling or tugging on them, especially when brushing or styling. Also, you should braid your extensions while sleeping to avoid friction. If you need to detangle your extensions, use your fingers to gently work out any knots. Another key tip is to buy silk products such as hair scrunchies or pillowcases. In summary, proper care and maintenance is key to preventing tangling in hair extensions. Regular brushing, using lightweight products, and being gentle with your extensions can help keep them looking and feeling great for longer.

Purchase my silk products here.

Dry Hair

One consequence of not following hair aftercare is dry hair. Hair extensions are great but you do have to care for them. One of the main causes of dry hair with extensions is lack of hydration. My hair has always been naturally dry so I must apply oil often, and even more so when I have my extensions installed. Your natural hair needs moisture to stay healthy and strong, and with extensions, it's even more important to keep your hair HYDRATED. Make sure to use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, and consider using a leave-in conditioner and hair oil to add extra hydration. Lastly, be gentle with your extensions and avoid using heat styling tools excessively. Heat can cause your natural hair to become dry and brittle, and the same goes for the hair extensions. Use a heat protectant spray before using any hot tools. Follow these tips and keep your hair and extensions from getting dry.

Broken Hair

Hair extensions can be a great way to add length and volume to your hair, but they can also cause damage if not installed or cared for properly. One of the biggest concerns with hair extensions is that they can cause breakage and damage to your natural hair as a consequence of not following hair aftercare. When hair extensions are installed, they are attached to your natural hair using a variety of methods, such as beads, glue, or sewn-in. Nobody wants to break their natural hair, especially since extensions are usually installed to cover breakage and add length or volume. To prevent damage from hair extensions, it's important to choose a reputable stylist who is experienced in installing and maintaining extensions. It's also important to choose high-quality extensions that are lightweight and won't put too much stress on your natural hair. Proper maintenance is also key to preventing damage from hair extensions. By taking these steps, you can enjoy the benefits of hair extensions without damaging your natural hair.

Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s hair extensions.


You don’t want bad care to lead to hair fallout. Hair fallout occurs when the extensions are not properly installed or maintained, causing damage to your natural hair. A small amount of fallout is expected when maintaining hair extensions as you naturally shed hair daily, it is only a problem when the fallout is major or unnatural. My natural hair has shed excessively my whole life so it is not abnormal for me to see a lot of shed. To prevent hair fallout, it is important to choose the right type of extensions for your hair type. If you have fine or thin hair, opt for lighter weight extensions that won't pull on your natural hair. It is also important to have the extensions installed by a professional who can ensure they are properly placed and not causing any damage. Once you have your extensions in place, make sure to care for them properly. You don't want fallout to be a consequence of not following hair aftercare. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner and avoid using heat styling tools on the extensions. It is also important to brush your hair regularly to prevent tangles and breakage. If you do experience hair fallout, take a break from the extensions and focus on repairing your natural hair. Use a deep conditioning treatment and avoid heat styling as much as possible. With proper care, your hair will be healthy and ready for extensions again in no time.

Damage Hair Follicles

One severe consequence of not following hair aftercare is damaged hair follicles. Hair extensions are a popular way to add length and volume to one's hair. Extensions can also cause damage to hair follicles if not properly cared for. Hair extensions can be heavy, which can put strain on the hair follicles and lead to traction alopecia, a condition where hair is pulled out from the root. As well, if hair extensions are not properly cleaned and maintained, they can lead to scalp infections and inflammation, which can further damage hair follicles. It is important to work with a professional stylist who can properly install and maintain hair extensions to minimize the risk of damage to your hair and scalp. If you do experience any signs of damage to your hair or scalp, such as hair loss or irritation, it is important to seek the advice of a medical professional or licensed stylist before it progresses.

Cut Out

Hair extensions have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they provide a quick and easy way to add length and volume to your hair. Although, some people may wonder what happens when it's time to remove them, and if it will damage their natural hair. When it comes to removing hair extensions, it's important to have them taken out by a professional stylist. Attempting to remove them yourself can result in tangling, pulling, and even breakage of your natural hair. The stylist will carefully dissolve or unclamp the extensions close to your scalp, using special tools that won't damage your hair. You also don’t want the hair to get so tangled that the specialist has to cut out the extensions, so be sure to closely follow aftercare. Don't make cutting your hair out the only option as a consequence of not following hair aftercare. In conclusion, hair extensions can be a great way to change up your look, but it's important to have them removed by a professional stylist to avoid damage to your natural hair. While there may be some natural shedding removal during the maintenance process, it should be minimal.

Bonds in View

Hair extensions are a well- liked way to add length and volume to your natural hair. While they can be a great addition to your look, it's important to ensure that they are properly installed and maintained to avoid any embarrassing mishaps. One common issue that people may encounter is accidentally having their hair bonds in view. Hair bonds are the glue, beads or sew-in used to attach the extension to your natural hair, and they can sometimes become visible if they aren't properly concealed. This can be especially problematic if you're in a professional setting or attending a formal event. To avoid this issue, it's important to have your extensions installed by a professional who has experience working with your hair type. They will be able to properly CONCEAL the bonds and ensure that your extensions look natural and seamless. In addition to proper installation, it's important to maintain your extensions by regularly brushing and styling them. This will help prevent any tangles or matting that could cause the bonds to become visible. If you do happen to notice your bonds becoming visible, don't panic. Simply use a small amount of hair glue to hide the bond in your natural hair. Alternatively, you can use a hair accessory such as a headband or scarf to cover the bond until you can have it properly fixed. When styling you hair ensure to give yourself extra time to work with a large amount of hair, you may need to brush or comb through it more to smooth it out. Overall, with proper installation and maintenance, hair extensions can be a great way to enhance your natural hair and achieve the look you desire. Just remember to take the necessary precautions to avoid any embarrassing mishaps.

"Great hair doesn't happen by chance, it happens by appointment."

Permanent Damage

Hair extensions are my favourite hair accessory. Yet, it is important to note that hair extensions can cause permanent damage to your natural hair if not installed or maintained correctly. One of the most common types of damage caused by hair extensions is traction alopecia. Hair extensions that are too tight or heavy can cause this type of hair loss. If left untreated, traction alopecia can lead to permanent hair loss. Another potential risk of hair extensions is hair breakage. Hair extensions that are too heavy or not properly installed can cause stress on the natural hair, leading to breakage. This can cause significant damage to your natural hair, especially if the breakage occurs close to the scalp. To avoid permanent damage from hair extensions, it is important to have them installed by a trained professional. They will be able to properly assess your hair type and recommend the best type of extensions for you. As well, it is crucial to properly care for your extensions and avoid pulling or tugging on them. Permanent damage would be the most severe consequences of not following hair aftercare. In the end, hair extensions can be a great way to enhance your natural hair. Though, it is essential to take proper precautions to avoid permanent damage to your natural hair.

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Kisses, A

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