Consequences of Not Following Lash Aftercare

Sunday Beauty // July 9 // 0 Comments

If you don’t follow lash aftercare, here are the list of consequences..

Lash Mites

Not washing your lash extensions can lead to the development of lash mites. Lash mites are tiny, microscopic creatures that live on human eyelashes. They are usually harmless and go unnoticed, but in dirty environments, they can cause irritation and discomfort. If you have a LASH MITE INFESTATION, you may feel a sensation of something crawling on your eyelashes or a slight itching or tingling. You may also notice clumps, redness or inflammation around your eyes. If you suspect you have a lash mite infestation, it’s best to see a doctor or eye specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes, it freaks me out when I think too much about lash mites crawling on my eyes. It’s the most disgusting consequences of not following lash aftercare.


Blepharitis is commonly caused by bacteria (staphylococcus) or oily build-up (seborrhea) associated with dirty eyelash extensions. Blepharitis can lead to pink eye (conjunctivitis). It may also cause injury to the cornea. Continuous irritation from eyelid inflammation or misdirected lashes can cause a sore on your cornea to develop. Also, not having enough tears could increase your risk of a corneal infection. It is important to follow your lash techs’s aftercare instructions to prevent this. You don’t want this slippery slope of consequences of not following lash aftercare.

Eye Infection

An eye infection is one of the consequences of not following lash aftercare. If you don’t clean your lash extensions, you’re putting yourself at risk of developing various sorts of eye infections. This is because all of that built-up dirt and bacteria can cause irritation, redness, and swelling. In extreme cases, it can even lead to vision problems. Yikes! So if you’re noticing that your eyes are feeling especially itchy or dry, it might be time to give them a good cleaning. The next step is to see a doctor. It is essential to use eyelash extension-safe tools to properly clean your eyelashes.

Lashes make everything better.

Vision Problems

Sometimes the eyelash extensions are particularly long or heavy and one edge of it dangles down when the adhesive wears off, which could scratch the cornea, causing an abrasion or even an infection. This is why it is very important to book your fill appointments regularly so the grown out lashes can be removed. You do not want vision problems to be consequences of not following lash aftercare.

It is also essential to listen to your lash tech’s advice on how much volume your eyelashes can support.

Burning While Washing

If your eyes burn when you wash your eyelash extensions is likely due to a buildup of makeup, dirt and oil. Burning while washing is part of the consequences of not following lash aftercare. These particles may cause irritation or sensitivity, leading to discomfort when they come into contact with water or cleansers. It’s important to use gentle, oil-free lash shampoo and avoid rubbing or pulling on the extensions to minimize irritation. This is a major sign to wash your lashes more often. The cleaner your lashes the less buildup. If my clients complain about burning while washing I always encourage more frequent washing. If the burning sensation persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s best to consult with a professional or your healthcare provider.


I never recommend removing eyelashes yourself at home. Eyelash extensions can potentially pull out your natural eyelashes if they are not removed CORRECTLY. Pulling out your own natural lashes during attempting to remove them at home is one of the consequences of not following lash aftercare. It is important to go to a reputable and experienced technician who uses high-quality products and practices proper removal techniques to minimize the risk of damage to your natural lashes.

Lash Artist: Hands of a surgeon, eyes of an artist, patience of a saint, ears of a therapist.

Pulling Out Natural Lashes

Pulling is one of the terrible consequences of not following lash aftercare. Pulling on your eyelash extensions can cause damage to your natural lashes and potentially lead to ripping your natural lashes out. It can also be painful and uncomfortable. I know it’s tempting to touch your lash masterpiece, but please don’t! It is important to properly care for your extensions and avoid any tugging or pulling to ensure they last as long as possible and maintain the health of your natural lashes. 

If you pull out too many natural lashes your lash tech may suggest a break to let them grow back.

Premature Shedding

Improper care of your eyelash extensions can lead to premature shedding. I don’t want premature shedding to be one of your consequences of not following lash aftercare. Premature shedding of eyelash extensions means that they fall off earlier than they should, which can result in uneven or patchy looking lashes. This can be caused by various factors, including improper care, rubbing or pulling at the lashes, or using oil-based products near the eyes. Proper care and maintenance can help extend the life of your eyelash extensions and keep them looking full and beautiful. I will give you all the suggestions you need to help care for your eyelash extensions.

Wetting Glue Bond Within 24 Hours

It is important to avoid getting your eyelash extensions wet for at least 24 hours after application. This is because the adhesive used to attach the extensions needs time to fully bond with your natural lashes. Getting them wet too soon can WEAKEN THE BOND and cause the extensions to fall off prematurely. Weakening the bond with water to early is one of the first consequences of not following lash aftercare. Additionally, water or moisture can cause the extensions to clump together or become misshapen, ruining the overall look. Therefore, it is best to avoid water and steam, and to be gentle with your lashes during the first 24 hours after application to ensure the best possible results.

Keep your lashes long and your standards high.


Not taking care of your eyelash extensions can cause them to become discoloured. Eyelash extensions can sometimes become discoloured due to factors such as exposure to sunlight, oils from skincare products, or even from mascara. It’s important to properly clean and care for your eyelash extensions to prevent discolouration. Firstly, no mascara. Also, sunglasses with UV protection are wonderful to protect your lashes from prolonged sunlight exposure. Avoid using oil-based products near your lashes and use a gentle, lash shampoo to keep them clean. I offer various oil-free eyelash extension-safe products to help care for your extensions. If your extensions do become discoloured, it may be necessary to have them removed and replaced by a professional lash technician.

Check out my lash products.

Eyelashes Clump Together

If you don’t take care of your eyelash extensions, they may clump together. It’s important to follow proper maintenance instructions, such as avoiding oil-based products and not rubbing your eyes, to ensure that your extensions stay separated and look natural. Regular brushing can also help maintain the SEPARATION of the lashes. Furthermore, makeup buildup can make your eyelash extensions clump. It is important to clean them regularly with a lash shampoo. This will help maintain the longevity and appearance of your extensions. Don’t let clumping be one of your consequences of not following lash aftercare.

Redness or Irritation

It is possible for eyelash extensions to cause redness or irritation. This can happen if the individual has sensitive eyes, is allergic to the adhesive used to attach the extensions or if the client accidentally opened their eyes during application. I have very sensitive eyes so I regularly have a small amount of irritation for a few hours following my application. I like to share this knowledge with my clients and offer support in case they experience this. It is important to choose a reputable and experienced lash technician and to inform them of any allergies or sensitivities before getting eyelash extensions. To alleviate a small amount of redness you can try hot and cold compress, eye drops, antihistamine, water, and rest. Please see a doctor if any symptoms persist after a few hours or increase in intensity.

Bald Patches

Improperly maintained lash extensions can potentially cause traction alopecia, which is hair loss caused by excessive tension or pulling on the hair follicles. This can result in bald patches or thinning of the natural lashes. It is important to choose a trained and experienced lash technician and follow proper aftercare instructions to minimize the risk of damage to your lashes. 

I always complete a short evaluation of your eye health before applying lashes for both a first time and fill appointment.

Twisting and Knotting

Twisting or knotting eyelash extensions can cause damage to both the extensions and your natural lashes. It can also cause DISCOMFORT and irritation. It’s important to avoid any twisting or knotting motions while wearing eyelash extensions to ensure they stay in place and maintain their shape. Proper aftercare, including gentle brushing and avoiding excessive touching or rubbing, can help prolong the life of your eyelash extensions and keep them looking beautiful. Please use the correct tools to care for your extensions, don’t let incorrect tools destroying your eyelashes be consequences of not following lash aftercare.

Tools To Have To Care For Your Eyelashes:

  1. Lash Shampoo
  2. Lash Cleansing Brush
  3. Lash Cloth
  4. Spoolie
  5. Eyelash Extension-Safe Eyeliner
  6. Eyelash Extension-Safe Serum

If you need more recommendations please DM me!

Slow Regrowth

If you do not care for your eyelashes they may start to have slow regrowth. On average everyone has a complete new set of eyelashes every 2 months due to natural shedding. However, if your lash extensions are too heavy for your natural lashes to be able to support, it can impact their natural growth cycle. Moreover, if you don’t wash your lashes daily, your eyelashes may have a large amount of buildup of makeup, oil or dirt weighing them down. Lash extensions that are too heavy for your natural lashes can cause your lashes to grow back thinner and lead to natural lash loss.

Don’t let you not wanting to wash your lashes compromise your eye health.

Keep calm and let me do your lashes, BOOK NOW!

Weak and Brittle Lashes

If you don’t clean your lash extensions, the dirt, oil, and makeup that builds up on them will cause your lashes to become weak and brittle. This means they are more likely to fall out prematurely and will look less than stellar. And as we all know, bacteria + makeup = crusty lashes. Not only are crusty lashes unsightly, but they can also be painful. The last thing you want is your lash extensions to start falling out because they’re so matted down!

Extensions Will Lose Their Shape

If you don’t clean your lash extensions with the correct tools, they will start to lose their shape. This is because the dirt and oil will cause them to become LIMP. Extensions can also lose their shape due to heating them up, for example please be mindful around ovens or bbq, lashes can be singed or distorted. Your eyelash extensions are meant to stay perfectly curled upwards for the duration of wear. Your once-flirty lashes will become sad and droopy, which is definitely not the look you’re going for. You don’t want loss of shape being the consequences of not following lash aftercare.

You definitely don’t want people to ask if you’re tired all the time!

My Process

For my clients, I begin with an eyelash consultation to assess eye health and discuss style goals. Before any lashes are applied I give the client a lash bath, encouraging them to follow my lead. I use high quality lash products throughout the application. I communicate some helpful lash tips and answer any client questions. I provide an aftercare card to summarize all of my recommendations for eyelash extension care. I give a full explanation and demonstration of how to use aftercare products and tools. I recommend resources to find more information, such as FAQs on my website or other sources. I give them my contact info in case they need to reach me. And if any medical problems occur I encourage them to speak to a medical professional.

Here is my FAQs.

Did you find this helpful? Check out my insta where I share more tips.

Kisses, A

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