How Do I Make My Lash Shampoo

Sunday Beauty // May 7 // 0 Comments

Hi beauty bestie!

Do you want to know my secret to how I make my lash shampoo?

Here it is.

The Benefit

Why start a product line for your brand? Having your own branded products can provide a number of benefits such as increased brand recognition, customer loyalty, and control over pricing and distribution. It can also allow you to differentiate yourself from competitors, build trust with customers, and potentially increase profitability. If you have the desire and space for a product line it is a great way to grow in the beauty industry.

Put yourself in a room

The first thing you need to do is put yourself in the right room. This is a common piece of advice to motivate oneself to achieve success. Surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who have achieved success in the same field can help inspire and provide guidance. It is important when you first start building your product line to find mentors to give you advice on next steps and how to avoid mistakes. This is the beginning of how I make my lash shampoo.

Brand partner

It is great to find a brand partner that you really believe in. To find a brand partner, consider your industry and target audience, research potential partners that ALIGN with your brand values and goals, analyze their past collaborations and partnerships, and reach out to them with a compelling pitch showcasing the benefits of a partnership. Networking and attending industry events can also help you connect with potential partners.

Determine if their vibe and brand aligns with yours and make a deal.

Manufacturing Route

Instead of making a deal with an established brand to partner with and use their formula you can take the manufacturing route. Manufacturing your own formula can be better because it gives you control over the ingredients and quality of the final product. You can tailor the formula to your specific needs and preferences, and ensure that it meets any necessary standards or regulations. Additionally, creating your own formula can be more cost-effective in the long run, as you won't have to pay for pre-made formulas.

Test Products

Next, you should order some samples to test products. It is important to test beauty products first to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Testing can help identify any potential harmful ingredients or allergic reactions, and can also inform improvements to the product's formula. In this case, the eye area can be very sensitive so you should try the products for a few weeks yourself and do patch tests on others to confirm safety. You also want to ensure the products you stand behind actually work, so catalog your results with pictures or in a journal.

Order Product Stock

Now you need to order stock. Having stock on hand allows a business to fulfill client demand immediately, which can lead to increased sales and client satisfaction. It also allows the business to avoid stock outs and lost sales, as well as potentially reducing the need for expedited shipping or additional inventory management costs. Buying in bulk amounts usually saves you more money so ask about bulk discounts. Make sure you factor in shipping time for the products to arrive.

"Building a business is like building a home. If the foundation rests on an unstable setting or is constructed with subpar materials, it doesn't matter if the rest of the home is perfect. It will never be a joy to its owner." - Thomas J. Stanley

Choose Packaging

Take time to choose your packaging as it reflects your brand identity to client. Your packaging can COMMUNICATE a lot about your brand, so it's important to choose something that is both visually appealing and representative of your brand values. Ask various companies for samples to test to their containers. This is important to how I make my lash shampoo.

Try out different colours, shapes and materials - this is a great way to stand out and look professional.

Purchase Packaging Stock

Make sure you stock your packaging for your lash shampoo. Having extra packaging containers on hand can be important for various reasons such as unexpected increase in demand, unforeseen damages or defects in the original packaging, or the need for additional protection during transportation or storage. It can also help in avoiding delays in shipping or production by having backup options readily available. Track how much of each package you sell and order more or less accordingly.

To design your product label, consider the following steps:

  1. Identify your target audience and the message you want to convey.
  2. Choose a color scheme and typography that aligns with your brand identity.
  3. Determine the necessary information to include, such as product name, description, ingredients, and any necessary warnings or certifications.
  4. Select graphics or images that complement your brand and product.
  5. Choose label material and printing options that fit your budget and product needs.
  6. Test your label design with your target audience to ensure it resonates with them.

Clean up

Clean up work area to be sanitary, I use a water-resistant (easily wipeable) surface like a table to assemble. To ensure sanitary conditions, it is important to properly clean and disinfect your work area. Start by removing any clutter or debris, then wipe down all surfaces with a disinfecting cleaner. Pay special attention to high-touch areas. Additionally, make sure to wash your hands frequently and dispose of any waste properly. You are creating a product clients put on their eyes so be attentive.

Mix ingredients

Also, acquire any tools you may need to mix products together or insert in containers. Some eyelash shampoos require you to mix concentrate with distilled water and others come pre-mixed. I always have a water-resistant table, a towel, measuring cup, and funnel on hand when I assemble my lash shampoo. It can be a messy process so be prepared!

Create a labelling station

To label products efficiently, consider using a consistent format and including all necessary tools. Utilizing labeling software or pre-printed labels can also save time and improve accuracy. In the beginning I tried making the labels myself, huge fail. I then designed my labels on the Canva app, sent the files to a printing company, and ordered rolls of pre-printed labels. I'd recommend getting a brace that holds the bottle in place while you attach the label. I love how easy my process has become. You will need this for how I make my lash shampoo.

Film content

Additionally, you need to film some EPIC content for the release. Filming product content is beneficial because it allows potential customers to see the product in action, providing a better understanding of its features, benefits, and how it can be used. It also helps to build trust with the consumer, as they can see the product's quality and functionality firsthand. Additionally, video content is highly engaging and shareable, which can help increase brand awareness and attract new customers. It is great to get some still shots to post close ups. Gather as much content as you can! Find me on pinterest!

Add to Menu

Up next you have to add your new product to your menus and product lists. Product menus are helpful as they provide customers with a CLEAR and organized list of products and services offered by a business. I love to let my clients peruse my menu while I am cleaning up after a lash service, I can answer questions and speak more about what I offer. This helps customers make informed decisions and can increase sales and customer satisfaction. Additionally, well-designed menus can showcase a business's unique offerings and brand identity. Definitely keep your menu up to date. Also, reminder to add your next product as an option to all other sources of content including your website, e-commerce, flyers, online ads, etc.

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." - Milton Berle

Launch on socials

Posting on social media can help sell your products as it allows you to reach a larger audience and engage with potential customers. You can showcase your products, share testimonials, and offer exclusive promotions to followers, increasing brand awareness and driving sales. Additionally, social media algorithms can help target your ideal audience, making it easier to connect with potential customers. Social media is very popular today and the world is purchasing online now more than ever.

Get on those socials!

Get Confident

STUDY your products so you know everything about them. Practice a 30 second and a 30 minute pitch on them. Know your information. Gather statistics. Provide demos. Prove your value is worth the price tag. As well, researching competitors products can be very beneficial as it allows you to gather information about the product's features, prices, and quality in your marketplace. By doing research, you can be ahead of the curve when discovering the next best thing. Cause in the beauty world there's always a new thing! Act confident and the sales will come. These are all the steps to how I make my lash shampoo.

Shop my Lash Shampoos here!

xx Autumn

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