Netflix TV Shows

Sunday Beauty // August 13 // 0 Comments

Hi beauty besties!

Who doesn’t like a little binge watching? I wanted to share with you my favourite Netflix TV shows. I’ve included in my list the things they have taught me about business and life.

Selling Sunset

The Netflix TV show “Selling Sunset” is a reality show that follows the professional and personal lives of a group of elite real estate agents working at The Oppenheim Group, a brokerage firm in Los Angeles. The show has become very popular, not just because of the drama and luxurious lifestyle portrayed, but also because of the inspiring stories of the agents who worked hard to achieve their dreams. The agents on the show are all successful in their own right, but they did not achieve their success overnight. They worked hard, took risks, and made sacrifices to get where they are today. Watching their journey can be very motivating and can inspire viewers to take action towards their own goals. Moreover, the show also highlights the importance of having a positive attitude and a strong work ethic. The agents on the show are confident, driven, and passionate about their work, and they are not afraid to take on challenges and push themselves out of their comfort zones. In conclusion, “Selling Sunset” is not just a reality show, but also a source of inspiration for anyone who wants to achieve their dreams. I love to think about my goals in life and business while I watch this show. It teaches us to dream big, work hard, and never give up on our goals, no matter how challenging they may seem.

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Suits is a popular American Netflix TV show that centers around a group of high-powered lawyers in New York City. I like to watch this show to remind me to keep learning new things so I can be a leader in my field. One of the main themes of the show is the idea of being the smartest person in the room. The characters in Suits are always looking for ways to outsmart their opponents and gain an advantage, whether it’s in the courtroom or the boardroom. There are several lessons that viewers can take away from Suits when it comes to being the smartest person in the room. One of the most important is the idea of preparation. The characters in the show are always doing their homework, whether it’s researching a case or studying the competition. By being well-prepared, they are able to anticipate challenges and come up with creative solutions. Another key element of being the smartest person in the room is confidence. The lawyers on Suits are all highly self-assured, and they use this confidence to their advantage. They are not afraid to take risks or make bold moves, knowing that their knowledge and expertise will carry them through. Suits is a compelling example of how being the smartest person in the room can lead to success. By focusing on preparation, confidence, and creative thinking, viewers can apply these lessons to their own lives and careers.

Pretty Little Liars

“Pretty Little Liars” is a Netflix TV series that aired from 2010 to 2017. The show revolves around a group of high school friends who are brought together again after their leader goes missing. As the series progresses, the group discovers that they are being threatened by an anonymous figure who knows all their secrets. One of the main themes of the show is the idea that secrets can be dangerous. The characters in “Pretty Little Liars” are constantly keeping secrets from each other, and this ultimately leads to a lot of problems. They learn the hard way that keeping secrets can cause mistrust, misunderstandings, and hurt feelings. However, the show also highlights the importance of HONESTY and COMMUNICATION. This is one of my favourite series because it reminds me that honesty and strong values are at my core. The characters who are able to be open and honest with each other tend to have stronger relationships and are better able to deal with the challenges they face. To conclude, “Pretty Little Liars” teaches us that while secrets can sometimes seem necessary, they often end up causing more harm than good. 

The best way to maintain strong relationships is through honesty, trust, and open communication.

Grey’s Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy is a medical drama Netflix TV series that has been on the air for over 15 years. It follows the lives of doctors, surgeons, and interns at a Seattle hospital, and has been praised for its realistic portrayal of the medical profession. One of the recurring themes of the show is the idea that bad things happen every day, so enjoy the time you have. While this may seem like a negative message, it is actually quite realistic. In the medical profession, doctors and nurses are faced with difficult and sometimes tragic situations on a daily basis. It is important for medical professionals to be prepared for these situations and to be able to handle them with professionalism and compassion. I love living each day like it is my last, this way I have no regrets at the end. Grey’s Anatomy also shows the importance of teamwork and support in dealing with these difficult situations. The characters on the show rely on each other for support and guidance, and this is an important lesson for anyone working in a high-stress environment. Overall, while Grey’s Anatomy may be a fictional television show, it does provide valuable insights into the medical profession and the challenges that doctors and nurses face every day. It is important to remember that bad things do happen, but with the right training and support, we can all learn to handle them with grace and professionalism. 

Live your life to the fullest because you never know what will happen next.


The Netflix TV show Bridgerton is a period drama set in the Regency era of England. It follows the story of the Bridgerton family and their interactions with high society. One of the main themes of the show is traditional love, and how it is viewed and pursued in this society. In this era, marriage was seen as a way to secure social status and wealth. It was expected for young women to be presented to society and courted by eligible bachelors. Love was not necessarily a prerequisite for marriage, but a desirable outcome. However, the show challenges this notion by presenting characters who are looking for more than just social status and wealth. The main character, Daphne Bridgerton, is a young woman who is presented to society for the purpose of finding a suitable husband. However, she wants more than just a marriage of convenience. She wants a marriage based on love and mutual respect. This is shown throughout the show as she navigates her way through the expectations of high society and finds a partner who values her for more than just her status. I like to surround myself with those who portray love and mutual respect in both life and business. The show also portrays traditional love through the character of Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings. He is a man who has sworn off love due to his difficult past, but finds himself falling for Daphne. Their relationship is built on mutual trust and respect, and they both realize that love is more important than social status or wealth. In the end, Bridgerton teaches us that traditional love is still relevant in today’s society. It reminds us that love is not just about social status or wealth, but about finding someone who values and respects us for who we are. 

How does your partner support you?

Last Chance U

Last Chance U is a Netflix TV show that follows the lives of junior college football players who are given a second chance to prove their talent and achieve their dreams. I believe each person deserves a second chance, since we are all human and make mistakes. The show teaches viewers about second chances in multiple ways. First and foremost, it highlights how the players in the show have been given a second chance to pursue their football dreams. Many of these players come from disadvantaged backgrounds and have made mistakes in the past. Junior college football provides them with a platform to showcase their talent and earn a scholarship to a Division I school. Secondly, the show also portrays the importance of second chances in life. Throughout the series, we see multiple players face setbacks and obstacles on and off the field. However, they are given the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and try again. This is a valuable lesson for viewers who may also be experiencing setbacks in their own lives. Finally, Last Chance U also highlights the role of mentorship and support in helping individuals succeed. The coaches and staff at the junior colleges featured in the show provide guidance and support to the players, helping them navigate the challenges they face. This reinforces the idea that everyone deserves a SECOND CHANCE and that with the right support, anyone can achieve their goals. In conclusion, Last Chance U is a powerful reminder of the importance of second chances in life. Whether it be in pursuing our dreams or overcoming obstacles, we can all benefit from a second chance. The show also highlights the importance of mentorship and support in helping individuals succeed.


When we think about competition, we often picture a cutthroat environment where people tear each other down to win. However, the Netflix TV series “Cheer” provides a refreshing perspective on competition. The show follows the Navarro College cheerleading team as they prepare for the national championships. One of the key takeaways from “Cheer” is that healthy competition involves pushing yourself to be the best you can be, while also supporting your teammates. I think healthy competition in life and business is what has got me to where I am. The Navarro cheerleaders constantly push each other to be better, but they also rally around each other during times of struggle. They understand that they are all working towards a common goal, and that their success depends on each other. Another aspect of healthy competition that is highlighted in the show is the importance of taking care of your body and mind. Cheerleading is an extremely physically and mentally demanding sport, and the Navarro team takes their health and wellness very seriously. They prioritize proper nutrition, hydration, and rest, and they also engage in activities like yoga and meditation to keep their minds and bodies in top shape. All in all, “Cheer” provides a great example of how competition can be a positive force in our lives when approached with the right mindset. 

By pushing ourselves to be the best we can be, supporting our teammates, and prioritizing our health and wellness, we can achieve great things both individually and as a team.

Sweet Magnolias

The Netflix TV show Sweet Magnolias is a heartwarming and relatable portrayal of life in a small Southern town. It follows the lives of three best friends, Maddie, Dana Sue, and Helen as they navigate their way through life’s ups and downs. One of the main themes of the show is that life has struggles, and it teaches viewers this message in several ways. Firstly, the characters in the show all face their own personal struggles. Maddie is dealing with a divorce and trying to raise her three children on her own. Dana Sue is a successful chef but is struggling with her personal relationships. Helen is trying to balance her career and her personal life. These struggles are presented in a realistic and relatable way that viewers can empathize with. Secondly, the show demonstrates that even when things are tough, it is possible to find support and strength in your friends and family. The three main characters lean on each other for support and encourage each other through their struggles. This message is important as it shows the value of friendship and the importance of having a support system. Lastly, the show portrays the idea that life is not always easy, but it is possible to find happiness even in the midst of struggles. The characters learn to PERSEVERE through their challenges and find joy in the small moments of life. This message is encouraging and serves as a reminder that even when life gets tough, there is always hope for a brighter future. Growing up I always had the ability to push myself and find motivation, it is what separated me from the rest, I worked harder than anyone I knew, and this is still true today. In general, the TV show Sweet Magnolias is an excellent example of how life has struggles. It teaches viewers this message by presenting relatable struggles, showing the importance of support systems, and demonstrating that happiness is possible even in the midst of difficulties.

The Queen’s Gambit

“The Queen’s Gambit” is a popular Netflix TV series that has taken the world by storm. It tells the story of Beth Harmon, a young orphan who discovers her prodigious talent for chess and rises to become a world champion. The show is as much about chess as it is about the journey of an underdog who overcomes obstacles to achieve success. Here are a few ways in which the show teaches us about being an underdog:

  1. 1. Believe in Yourself: Beth did not come from a privileged background, and the odds were against her when she started playing chess. However, she believed in herself, and her faith in her abilities helped her overcome the challenges that came her way.
  2. 2. Perseverance: Beth encountered many setbacks on her journey to becoming a world champion. However, she did not give up and kept working hard to improve her game. Her perseverance is a testament to the fact that success does not come easy, and one must be willing to put in the effort to achieve it.
  3. 3. Learning from Failure: Beth lost several matches before she became a world champion. However, she did not let her defeats define her and instead used them as an opportunity to learn and grow. She analyzed her mistakes and worked on improving her game, which eventually led her to victory.

I always root for the underdog, as some saw me as an underdog when I was growing and developing. In conclusion, “The Queen’s Gambit” is an inspiring tale of an underdog who defies the odds and achieves greatness. The show teaches us that believing in oneself, persevering, and learning from setbacks are essential traits for success.

The Home Edit

The Home Edit is a popular Netflix TV show that follows two organizers, Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin, as they help people transform their cluttered and disorganized homes into beautifully arranged, functional spaces. One of the key lessons that viewers can take away from the show is that presentation is everything. Clea and Joanna’s organizing philosophy is centered around creating visually appealing spaces that are not only tidy and functional but also aesthetically pleasing. They use color coding, labeling, and other design elements to make every item in a space look intentional and purposeful. By making even the most mundane items look beautiful, they show that presentation can make a huge difference in how we perceive our surroundings. Beyond just making spaces look pretty, The Home Edit also teaches viewers that presentation can help us be more productive and efficient. By organizing items in a visually appealing way, we are more likely to remember where things are stored and be able to find them quickly when we need them. This can save time and reduce stress, allowing us to focus on the things that really matter. When I watch this show I am so motivated to clean my business supplies and product storage. In short, The Home Edit is a great example of how PRESENTATION IS EVERYTHING. 

By taking the time to organize items in a visually appealing way, we can not only make our homes look beautiful but also make them more functional and efficient.

Down To Earth

Down to Earth is a Netflix TV show that explores different parts of the world and highlights the unique cultures and traditions of each place. The show is hosted by Zac Efron and Darin Olien, who travel to different countries to learn about sustainable living practices and connect with local communities. I like to remind myself how small but mighty I am in this world, and how one little change can make all the difference in someone’s life. One of the ways that Down to Earth shows you that the world is big is through the diversity of the places that they visit. From the mountains of Peru to the beaches of Sardinia, the show takes you on a journey around the world, highlighting the different landscapes and environments that exist. The show also showcases the vast differences in culture and tradition that exist from one place to another. Each episode focuses on a different aspect of sustainable living, and the hosts often learn about unique and innovative practices that are specific to the local community they are visiting. Altogether, Down to Earth is a great reminder that there is so much to explore and learn about in the world. By showcasing the diversity of cultures and environments that exist, the show highlights just how big and varied our planet truly is.

“This world, is so big, so majestic, so magnificent and we are so small yet so significant.” – Chana Atar

Virgin River

Virgin River is a popular Netflix TV show that portrays small town living in a unique and captivating way. The show is set in a remote town in Northern California, where the interactions between the characters and the community form the backbone of the story. One of the ways the show displays small town living is through the close-knit relationships between the residents. The characters rely on each other for support and help, which creates a sense of intimacy and community that is often lacking in larger cities. I enjoy the idea of small town living, where life is simple and neighbours are social. The show also highlights the importance of trust and honesty in small towns, where reputations can be quickly established and shattered. Another aspect of small town living that is portrayed in Virgin River is the slower pace of life. The characters take their time to enjoy the simple things in life, such as fishing, hiking, and spending time with loved ones. This is in contrast to the fast-paced lifestyle of big cities, where people are always in a rush and barely have time to slow down and appreciate life. Generally, Virgin River offers a charming and heartwarming portrayal of small town living that reminds us of the importance of community, trust, and taking the time to enjoy the simple things in life.

Queen of the South

Queen of the South is a Netflix TV show that depicts the life of Teresa Mendoza, a woman who rises to power in the drug trafficking world. The show displays the importance of STRATEGY in Teresa’s journey to becoming the Queenpin. One of the ways in which strategy is highlighted is through the character of Camila Vargas, Teresa’s mentor. Camila is a master strategist who is always one step ahead of her opponents. She teaches Teresa the importance of planning ahead, anticipating your enemy’s moves, and using their weaknesses to your advantage. Another way in which strategy is emphasized is through Teresa’s own character development. Throughout the show, Teresa learns from her mistakes and adapts her strategies accordingly. She realizes that in order to survive in the drug trafficking world, she needs to find innovative solutions to problems and be willing to take risks. For me in business, I am always thinking 5 moves ahead, coming up with a strategy and executing. The show also displays the negative consequences of not having a solid strategy. Characters who act impulsively or without a plan often end up in dangerous situations or meet untimely deaths. On the whole, Queen of the South showcases the importance of strategy in achieving success, especially in the criminal world. 

Careful planning, adaptability, and the ability to think ahead can make all the difference.

Firefly Lane

Firefly Lane is a Netflix TV series drama that offers a profound insight into the nature of friendship. The show follows the lives of two women, Tully and Kate, who have been friends since childhood. Through their ups and downs, the two women remain fiercely loyal to each other and their friendship endures. One of the most important lessons that Firefly Lane teaches us about friendship is the importance of communication. Throughout the series, we see Tully and Kate struggle with miscommunications and misunderstandings. However, when they take the time to speak honestly and openly with each other, their friendship becomes stronger. Another lesson that Firefly Lane teaches us about friendship is the importance of forgiveness. Even when Tully and Kate make mistakes or hurt each other, they always find a way to forgive and move forward. This is a crucial aspect of any lasting friendship. Lastly, Firefly Lane teaches us that true friendship requires effort and commitment. Tully and Kate go through many life changes over the course of the series, but they always make time for each other and prioritize their friendship. This is a reminder that friendships require work, but the rewards are endless. Without my friends support I would not be as successful as I am today, its so nice to have a laugh to forget my responsibilities for a minute or have help achieving my goals. Predominantly, Firefly Lane is a beautiful tribute to the power of friendship. It reminds us that our closest relationships can help us navigate life’s challenges and bring us immeasurable joy.

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House of Cards

The Netflix TV show “House of Cards” is a political drama that centers around the life of Frank Underwood, a ruthless politician who is willing to do almost anything to maintain his power. I believe in good and bad karma, so everything you do eventually comes back to you. Throughout the series, we see Frank engage in a variety of unethical and immoral behaviours, such as lying, cheating, and even murder, in order to achieve his goals. Despite his success in the short term, however, Frank’s actions eventually catch up with him. He loses the support of his allies, faces numerous scandals, and ultimately finds himself alone and despised by those around him. In this way, the show serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of unethical behaviour, and how KARMA can come back to haunt us if we are not careful. One of the key lessons that “House of Cards” teaches us about karma is that our actions have consequences, and that the negative energy we put out into the world can eventually come back to us. When we engage in unethical behavior, we may achieve our goals in the short term, but in the long run, we will pay the price for our actions. Another lesson is that there are no shortcuts in life, and that success that is built on a foundation of lies and deceit is ultimately hollow and unsatisfying. Frank Underwood may have achieved a great deal of power during his time in politics, but his legacy is one of corruption and betrayal, rather than true leadership and accomplishment. In conclusion, “House of Cards” reminds us that karma is real, and that the choices we make today will shape our future. 

By striving to do the right thing, even when it is difficult, we can create a positive and fulfilling life for ourselves.

The Good Place

The Netflix TV show “The Good Place” is a witty and clever comedy that explores the afterlife and what it takes to get into the “good place”. Throughout the series, the characters learn the importance of doing good deeds and how it can impact their eternal destiny. I enjoy doing good deeds for the simple fact it brings me happiness to see others happy. At the beginning of the show, the main character, Eleanor Shellstrop, finds herself in the “good place” even though she was not a particularly good person in her life. She quickly realizes that she is not supposed to be there and tries to learn how to become a better person. With the help of her friends and soulmate, Chidi, she learns about ethics and starts to do good deeds in order to earn her place in the “good place”. The show illustrates that doing good deeds not only benefits those around us, but it also brings us personal fulfillment and happiness. The characters find joy in helping others and making a positive impact on the world. Additionally, the show emphasizes the importance of being honest and transparent in our actions, which can also lead to positive outcomes. In the end, “The Good Place” demonstrates that doing good deeds is not only important for our own personal growth, but it can also have a lasting impact on the world around us. It encourages viewers to consider how they can make a positive impact in their own lives and the lives of those around them.

“Whatever good things we build end up building us.” – Jim Rohn


The popular Netflix TV series Maid is a compelling story of a single mother named Alex who is determined to provide a better life for her daughter. Despite facing numerous obstacles and challenges, Alex perseveres by doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to make it through. The show highlights the importance of resilience, determination, and hard work in the face of adversity. Alex’s unwavering commitment to her daughter and her willingness to do whatever it takes to provide for her family is an inspiring lesson for all of us. The show also sheds light on the struggles of low-income families and the difficulties they face in accessing basic necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare. It serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion towards those who are less fortunate and of the need to address systemic issues that perpetuate poverty. I have a do whatever it takes mindset when it comes to business I developed to succeed at a higher level. To conclude, Maid is a powerful reminder of the human spirit’s resilience and the importance of doing whatever it takes to make it through difficult times. It is a must-watch for anyone looking for inspiration and motivation to overcome their own life challenges.

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Kisses, A

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