All About Networking

Sunday Beauty // June 4 // 0 Comments

Hi beauty bestie!

Networking has opened so many doors for me!

I’ve decided to share with you the benefits and some tips and tricks all about networking…

Career Advice

Networking groups can be a valuable resource for career advice as they provide an opportunity to connect with professionals in your industry. These groups can provide information on job openings, industry trends, and career development opportunities. Even if someone isn’t in your industry they still have lots of advice to offer, listen and apply to your situation. To make the most of networking groups, actively participate in discussions, ask questions, and offer your expertise to others. Additionally, consider attending events and conferences hosted by these groups to further expand your network and gain valuable insights from speakers and panelists. All advice is important - maybe you need it now or use it in the future, maybe it helps someone else, or maybe it’s the key to your success.

New ideas

Let your ideas and thoughts give you inspiration. Networking groups can provide opportunities to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds and industries, which can lead to exposure to new ideas. By participating in group discussions and activities, members can share their experiences and knowledge, and collaborate to generate fresh ideas and solutions to common challenges. Everyone needs a new idea for their business to stay relevant and continue to grow. Others may have more experience in areas where you need some new ideas. Just ask!

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Building relationships

Choose to surround yourself with people who lift you UP. It is said that you are the sum of your 5 closest people, so be careful with who your choose. Networking groups provide a platform for individuals to connect with others who share similar interests or careers. By attending networking events and participating in discussions, individuals have the opportunity to build professional relationships and expand their network. Building strong relationships in business is important because it can lead to increased trust, better communication, and more opportunities for collaboration and growth. Strong relationships can also help to foster a positive reputation and create a sense of loyalty among clients, customers, and partners.

Ultimately, investing in building strong relationships can lead to long-term success and sustainability in business.

Job opportunities

Networking groups can help you get job opportunities by providing a platform to connect with like-minded professionals and expand your professional network. By attending events, participating in discussions, and sharing information, you can build relationships with individuals who may be able to refer you to job openings or offer you job opportunities directly. Moreover, networking groups often provide resources such as career advice, job search tips, and professional development opportunities that can help you improve your search skills and increase your chances of finding employment or clients for your business.

“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.” - Michele Jennae

Boosts confidence

Your success is determined by your own confidence and fortitude. Networking events can boost your confidence by providing opportunities to practice social interactions and improve speaking skills. Meeting new people and engaging in conversations can help you feel more COMFORTABLE in similar situations in the future. Additionally, networking events can expose you to new ideas, which can increase your confidence in your own abilities and knowledge. Confidence can come from a variety of sources, such as past successes, positive feedback, preparation, belief in oneself, and a growth mindset. My favourite part about networking is that it inspires me and builds my confidence.

Expands visibility

Joining networking groups can indeed help expand your business visibility. By connecting with other professionals in your industry, you can build relationships and gain exposure for your business. Networking groups can also provide opportunities for learning, collaboration, and potential referrals. It is important to expand your professional circle. Additionally, networking can help individuals establish themselves as thought leaders and build their personal brand. If you are not visible you cannot be successful, you must put yourself out there to get a return.

Communication Skills

You’ve heard it before, communication is key. Networking events provide a platform to interact with professionals from a variety of industries, allowing you to practice your communication skills in a professional setting. By engaging in conversations and making connections, you can improve your ability to articulate your ideas, build relationships, and expand your professional network. This can lead to new opportunities and career growth. You get the opportunity to practice your various pitches to other businesses before you pitch to your clients. By listening to others you can transform their word tracks into something that works for your industry.


We all need each other. Networking groups provide support by giving you access to a COMMUNITY of like-minded individuals who can offer advice and guidance. Having support while being an entrepreneur is important for a variety of reasons. It can provide emotional support during challenging times, offer guidance and advice from experienced individuals, help with networking and making valuable connections, and provide access to resources and funding opportunities. Having a support system can also lead to increased motivation and accountability, which can be crucial to the success of a business.

Let’s support each other!


Networking events provide opportunities to build a reputation by meeting new people, exchanging information, and connecting with potential clients or partners. By attending these events and actively engaging in conversations, you can establish yourself as a knowledgeable and reliable individual in your industry - building a positive reputation. Your business reputation is important because it can affect customer trust, loyalty, and ultimately revenue. A good reputation can attract new customers and retain existing ones, while a bad reputation can do the opposite. It also affects your relationships with partners, suppliers, and employees. Overall, a positive reputation can lead to business success, while a negative one can harm it. A good reputation takes a while to build so be patient.

Different perspective

One’s perspective should be challenged to help you push boundaries. Networking groups can provide a unique perspective by connecting you with individuals from diverse backgrounds and industries. By exchanging ideas, sharing experiences, and discussing challenges, you can gain new awareness and expand your perspective. Gaining new perspectives in business is valuable because it allows you to see things from different angles and challenge your assumptions. This can lead to innovative ideas, better decision-making, and increased success. It also helps foster a more inclusive and diverse workplace culture.

I believe you can always learn something from every person if you pay attention.

Here are some top ways to plan ahead for networking markets and festivals:

  1. Research the event: Look up the event's website, social media pages, and any other available information to learn about the event's theme, attendees, and schedule.
  2. Set goals: Determine what you want to achieve by attending the event, such as making new connections, promoting your business, or learning about new trends.
  3. Prepare your promotional materials: Bring business cards, flyers, brochures, or other promotional materials to help you stand out and showcase your business.
  4. Dress appropriately: Consider the event's dress code and dress professionally to make a good impression.
  5. Plan your schedule: Review the event's schedule and plan which sessions, workshops, or networking opportunities you want to attend.
  6. Practice your pitch: Develop a concise and compelling pitch about yourself and your business to use when introducing yourself to new people.
  7. Follow up: After the event, follow up with any new connections you made and continue building those relationships.

Gain Knowledge

I’m addicted to learning new things. Networking events can aid in gaining knowledge by providing opportunities to meet and connect with professionals in your field, who can share their experiences, insights, and advice. Gaining knowledge in business is crucial because it can help you understand how to effectively manage resources, make informed decisions, identify opportunities, and mitigate risks. It can also help you develop skills in communication, leadership, and problem-solving, which are essential in achieving success in the business world. In addition, having a solid understanding of business principles can help you navigate the complexities of the global economy and stay competitive in your industry.


The bad news is time flies so make the most of it, find your motivation to push past your obstacles. Networking groups can provide motivation by offering a supportive community of individuals who share similar goals and challenges. By participating in networking, members can provide encouragement, support, and inspiration, which can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Also, being around positive people can help you adopt a more positive mindset, which can improve your overall well-being and outlook on life. Additionally, being accountable to the group can provide a sense of RESPONSIBILITY and DRIVE to stay on track.

By surrounding yourself with business positive people, you can create a supportive and uplifting environment that can help you reach your full potential.


Business is not often what you know but who you know. So many of my clients have come from referrals. Networking groups and events provide a great opportunity for referrals. By building relationships and establishing trust, attendees can refer each other to potential clients, partners, or employers. Referrals are essential because they can help businesses access new customers through their existing customer base. Referrals can also help build trust and credibility for a business and result in increased customer loyalty and repeat business. Additionally, referrals can often be more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods. To ask for a referral, you can ask if anyone knows someone who works at that company or has experience with that person and request an introduction or referral. 

Key Tip: have referral cards or a referral discount 

Get answers to your questions

Put yourself in a room with people who are valuable to you and your business. Networking events can provide answers to your questions by allowing you to connect with individuals who have experience and knowledge in your field of interest. By attending these events, you can ask questions and discuss which can help you with your career or project. Asking questions is important because it helps to clarify information, gain deeper understanding, and make informed decisions. It also encourages critical thinking, fosters curiosity, and promotes learning and growth. In a networking environment you need to speak up to have your most pressing questions answered. 

One of my favourite sayings is, ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.

“The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity.” - Keith Ferrazzi


In business, it is very useful to find mentors that will help GUIDE you through. Networking groups can provide mentorship by connecting individuals with experienced professionals in their field. This can be done through events, online forums, or one-on-one meetings. Mentors can offer guidance, advice, and support to help mentees achieve their career goals. Furthermore, networking groups can provide access to resources and opportunities that may not otherwise be available to individuals. Have someone to look up to!

New trends

Keep up with new trends to stay relevant in your community. Networking groups can help you keep up with new trends by providing opportunities to connect with other professionals in your industry who may have insights and info about emerging trends. Through these connections you can stay up-to-date and informed about the latest developments in your field. As well as, networking groups may offer presentations, workshops, and other events that focus on specific topics or trends, giving you the chance to learn from experts and stay ahead of the curve. I always learn at least one new thing from each networking event I attend. 

You must keep moving forward to maintain your business.

Share insights

Networking groups provide an opportunity to connect with professionals in your industry and share insights, knowledge, and expertise. By participating in these groups, you can learn about the latest developments in your field and build valuable relationships with other professionals to share insights. This can lead to improved job performance, increased career opportunities, and a stronger professional network. The key to gaining insights is to approach problems with an open mind, seek out diverse perspectives, and be willing to challenge assumptions. As well as, gathering and analyzing data can help uncover patterns and trends that lead to new insights.

Business growth

I love leveraging the resources of those around me to speed up business growth. Networking events provide opportunities for businesses to connect with potential clients, partners, and industry leaders, leading to new business opportunities. They also allow businesses to gain knowledge from experts and peers in their field, which can help inform and shape their GROWTH STRATEGIES. Some key factors for fast business growth include having a clear and effective strategy, focusing on customer needs and satisfaction, continuously improving products or services, building a strong team, and being adaptable to changes in the market. Moreover, seeking out new opportunities for partnerships, collaborations, and expansion can also contribute to rapid business growth. Who doesn’t want fast growth?

Review my business here. I’d really appreciate it! 

Plan ahead for networking groups

  1. Identify your goals and objectives for joining a networking group.
  2. Research different networking groups and choose one that aligns with your goals.
  3. Attend meetings and events regularly to build relationships with other members.
  4. Prepare an elevator pitch to introduce yourself and your business.
  5. Bring business cards to every meeting and event.
  6. Follow up with contacts after meetings and events to maintain connections.
  7. Volunteer to help organize events or take on a leadership position within the group to increase your visibility.
  8. Stay active and engaged within the group to maximize your networking opportunities.

DM me to find out which networking groups I recommend!

Kisses A

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