Organizing a Brand Photoshoot

Sunday Beauty // May 14 // 0 Comments

Hi beauty bestie!

Have you ever wanted to organize a brand photoshoot and don’t know where to start?

Here are my secrets.

Why is it important?

A brand photoshoot is important because it visually communicates the essence and personality of your brand to your audience. It helps establish a consistent and recognizable image that can increase brand awareness, create a stronger emotional connection with customers, and ultimately lead to increased sales.

Design a theme

To design a theme for your brand photoshoot, consider your brand values and PERSONALITY. You can choose a theme that aligns with your brand identity or represents your brand’s mission. For example, if your brand is all about sustainability, you can choose an eco-friendly theme. If your brand is more luxurious, you can choose a theme that is elegant and sophisticated. Other ideas include a specific color palette, a location-based theme, or a theme that showcases your products or services in action. Remember to also consider your target audience and what they would find appealing. The theme will be helpful to the successful organizing a brand photoshoot.

Create a Pinterest Moodboard

Yes, Pinterest can be a great resource for finding pose ideas for models. Users can search for specific keywords or browse through curated boards to find inspiration and ideas for their photo shoots. Creating a Pinterest board can be a great way to curate inspiration and ideas for the vibes you are trying to create. On Pinterest, you can search for images and ideas related to your desired aesthetic and save them to a board for future reference. This can help you stay focused and organized as you work towards creating the desired atmosphere. I like to set up an iPad for everyone to reference during the shoot. View some of my photoshoot moodboards here.

Here are some tips for selecting a photo studio when organizing a brand photoshoot:

  1. Check their portfolio and ensure they have experience in the type of photography you need.
  2. Read reviews and ask for references to ensure their quality of work and customer service.
  3. Consider their location, pricing, and availability.
  4. Schedule a consultation to discuss your needs and see if you feel comfortable working with them.
  5. Check if they have the necessary equipment and facilities to meet your requirements. Ensure they have a change room and washroom.

Find Models

There are several ways to find models for a photoshoot. You can reach out to modeling agencies, post a casting call on social media or websites like ModelMayhem, or ask friends and acquaintances if they know anyone interested in modeling. It’s important to be clear about the type of shoot, compensation, and any other details upfront to avoid any misunderstandings. Make sure you send them all directions and instructions the day before. I like to use facebook model groups to find my models. It is important to find models in all different shapes, colours, sizes and styles to show diversity. Communicate with them multiple times to confirm all their details. When they arrive be sure to greet them, show them around, give any instructions, and let them relax in their space.

During the shoot, tell models how well they are doing, how great they look and boost their confidence for great morale and shots!

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” – Ansel Adams

Get MUAs

MUAs stands for “Makeup Artists”. You can find MUAs by searching online directories such as Yelp, Google Maps, or social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook. You can also ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have used the services of a MUA before. Additionally, you can attend events such as weddings or fashion shows and ask for referrals from the event organizers or other attendees. Ensure their makeup style fits yours, they are able to provide your VISION, and ask about what materials, space and time they will need for each model. Check in on your MUAs throughout shoot as they usually are so focused on their models they forget to eat and drink.

Communication is key.

Prepare Products

Gather and prepare products for photography, ensure the items are clean and free of dust or debris. Choose a suitable background or surface to showcase the product and position it in good lighting. You may also want to consider using props or accessories to enhance the visual appeal. If items need to be steamed, steam beforehand and lay flat. Think about what models will be wearing on their feet – barefoot, socks, shoes? Preparation before is important for organizing a brand photoshoot.

Leave an hour for you

It’s a good idea to start the photoshoot with introductions and some test shots with the photographer yourself. This will help everyone get more comfortable and ensure that the equipment is working properly before beginning the actual shoot. It is nice to see how the photographer directs, interacts, the speed they shoot and the angles they are able to achieve. If you need any specific shots you can discuss and try to accomplish them in the beginning. At the same time having an assistant set up your makeup stations, food and drink areas, hangout areas, and change room. Then when the models arrive you are set up and ready to help them.

Food & Drinks

It’s important for models to stay well-nourished and hydrated during photoshoots. Providing a designated area for food and drink can be helpful. Some options could include a small table with healthy snacks and water bottles, or a catering service with a variety of food and beverage options. It’s important to consider any dietary restrictions or preferences of the models. Individual handheld options are great so they can bring the snack where they are. Some coffee or pop to keep them energized is also helpful. Make sure you check in with each of your models and MUAs to ask if they have eaten or drank anything (they forget while working!).

Cleaning Supplies

Make sure to bring cleaning supplies to the photoshoot to keep the area clean and tidy. You should always leave the space in the same way you found it. Bring your own garbage bag to dispose of anything. Also have some extra pairs of scissors, pens, tape, safety pins – anything you may need. A great idea is to have a tide-to-go stick in case of any spills. A steamer is a great tool to keep garments clean. To organize a great brand photoshoot you need to keep everything clean.

Hire Assistant

Hiring an assistant for a photoshoot can be a good idea as it can help you with various tasks such as setting up equipment, managing lighting, and handling props. However, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and budget. I always like to hire an assistant to make more of those personal 1-on-1 moments with the models, photographer, and MUAs – to give them compliments, help with posing, and giving them what they need. I strive to make each person’s experience enjoyable.

Pack Vehicle

It is a good idea to pack your vehicle before a photoshoot to ensure that you have all the necessary equipment and props with you. This can help make the photoshoot go more smoothly and efficiently. Packing early can also alleviate the physical labour required the day of. It is also important to make sure everything fits inside your vehicle, some products and props can take up more space than you think.

Welcome Everyone

It’s important to make sure everyone feels welcome when hosting an event. Greeting guests individually and creating a warm atmosphere can help make EVERYONE FEEL INCLUDED. Show up earlier than all the guests so that you are the smiling face at the front door. Your guests will appreciate the organization of the photoshoot – give them a little tour and tell them about the order of events of the day. 

Reminder when organizing a brand photoshoot that people remember how you made them feel.


Creating a good atmosphere in a photoshoot involves several factors such as choosing the right location and having a plan. It’s also important to communicate effectively with the models and make them feel comfortable. Playing upbeat music is a great way to influence the mood of the photoshoot – switch up the playlists so everyone can enjoy an hour of their preferred genre. Bring a few backup speakers in case the venue doesn’t have one and the space is large. Offering refreshments can also help to set a positive mood (no hangry models!). Set up multiple areas where the models can have their belongings and hangout with each other. Encourage them to exchange contact info and chat about life. Constant compliments are the most important way to create the vibes you desire. 

You want happy models. Confidence creates great photos!

“Don’t shoot what it looks like. Shoot what it feels like.” – David Alan Harvey

Shoot Behind the Scenes

To capture behind the scenes content during a photoshoot, you can use a camera or smartphone to take photos or video of the setup, models, and crew. It’s also helpful to document any equipment or props used during the shoot. Don’t forget to ask for permission from everyone involved before taking any photos or video. This content can later be used as previews, sneak peaks, and pre-launch posts

These behind the scenes shots will be a great memory for you about all the chaos of the day.

Give Direction

When directing models during a photoshoot, it’s important to communicate clearly and effectively. Here are some tips, use clear and concise language to convey your vision and ideas. Demonstrate the poses or expressions you want the model to achieve. Give positive feedback and encouragement to help the model feel more comfortable and confident. Be open to the model’s suggestions and ideas. Remember to adjust your instructions to fit the model’s body type and abilities. Lastly, don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the creative process!

Exceed Expectations

“Over deliver your promises” means to EXCEED the expectations set by the promises you make. It is a strategy for building trust and loyalty with customers or clients by going above and beyond what is expected. By doing this, you can create a positive reputation and stand out from others who may only deliver the bare minimum. I always like to give my models, MUAs, and photographers goodies. The type of goodies depends on the photoshoot, some goodies I’ve used are gift cards, eyelashes, face masks, hair treatments, a free service/product from me, and hand-written thank you cards.

Check out my branding photoshoot images on my website.

DM me if you ever want to chat about ideas.

One last piece of advice: Enjoy your moment! You created it!

xx Autumn

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