The Ultimate Guide to Preparing for a Perfect Spray Tan

Sunday Beauty // October 29 // 0 Comments

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Exfoliating before a spray tan is more than just a step; it's a crucial preparatory ritual that can significantly impact the outcome of your tan. Imagine your skin as a canvas—the smoother and more even the canvas, the better the final painting. Exfoliation sloughs off dead skin cells, creating a clean, fresh surface for the tanning solution to adhere to evenly. By removing these cells, you're ensuring that the tanning solution doesn't cling to dry patches or uneven areas, resulting in a more uniform and longer-lasting tan. It primes your skin for optimal absorption, allowing the solution to penetrate evenly for a natural, streak-free finish. For a flawless tan, I start my prep a week ahead (if i have enough time), exfoliating my skin to ensure an even canvas. You can use an exfoliating scrub, an exfoliating mitt, and/or a dry brush. Using an exfoliating mitt regularly keeps my skin prepped and ensures a more even tan. Essentially, exfoliating is the essential foundation that sets the stage for a flawless and radiant spray tan, making it a crucial step in the pre-tan preparation process.

Begin by exfoliating your skin thoroughly a day or even a week before your scheduled appointment to remove dead skin cells and ensure an even tan application.

Hair Removal

Preparing for a spray tan isn't just about the skin; it involves ensuring every aspect contributes to a flawless result. Hair removal plays a pivotal role in this process. Imagine the tanning solution as a painter's brush—it needs a smooth canvas to work its magic. Hair, especially if it's longer or coarse, can interfere with the even application of the solution, leading to uneven patches or darker areas where the hair is present. Whether you choose to shave, sugar or wax, removing hair at least 24 hours before your session allows your pores to close, ensuring the tanning solution adheres evenly to your skin. This step isn't just about aesthetics; it's about ensuring that your tan develops uniformly, enhancing its natural and radiant appearance. Ultimately, proper hair removal sets the stage for a flawless and seamless spray tan application.

Shave or wax at least 24 hours before your appointment to allow pores to close, preventing any adverse reactions or uneven coloration from the tanning solution.

pH Balanced Body Wash

Using a pH-balanced body wash before a spray tan might seem like a minor step, but it can make a significant difference in the outcome. Our skin's natural pH balance ranges between acidic and alkaline levels. A pH-balanced body wash helps maintain this delicate balance, creating an optimal environment for the tanning solution to interact with your skin. When the skin's pH is balanced, it ensures the tanning solution adheres evenly, promoting a more UNIFORM and LONGER-LASTING SPRAY TAN. Moreover, a balanced pH can help prevent any adverse reactions or potential color inconsistencies that might occur if the skin's pH is disrupted. In essence, starting with a pH-balanced canvas primes your skin for an impeccable spray tan, ensuring the best possible results and a beautifully even glow.

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Avoid Oils and Moisturizers

Avoiding oils or heavy moisturizers before a spray tan isn't just a suggestion; it's a critical step in achieving that flawless, sun-kissed glow. These products create a barrier on your skin, inhibiting the tanning solution from effectively penetrating and adhering evenly. Moisturizers and oils can act as a blockade, preventing the tanning solution from developing properly, resulting in an uneven or patchy tan. Essentially, they hinder the solution's ability to interact with your skin, leading to potential streaking or splotchiness. I always skip lotions on tan day to ensure the spray solution adheres perfectly, even though I love being moisturized. By arriving at your spray tan session with clean, product-free skin, you're setting the stage for a seamless application, allowing the tanning solution to bond evenly for a natural and radiant tan that lasts.

Avoid using moisturizers, oils, or heavy lotions on the day of your spray tan session as they can create a barrier, hindering the solution from adhering evenly.

Avoiding Makeup and Deodorant

Avoiding makeup and deodorant before a spray tan might seem like a small detail, but it's crucial for achieving that flawless bronzed glow. These everyday products can create a barrier on the skin, hindering the tanning solution from properly adhering and developing uniformly. I know the importance of going makeup and deodorant-free on spray tan day for optimal results. Makeup, especially foundation or powders, can block the pores, leading to uneven coloration or potential streaking. Similarly, deodorants, especially those containing aluminum, can react with the tanning solution, resulting in discoloration or an uneven tan. Arriving at your appointment with clean, product-free skin ensures that the tanning solution can interact seamlessly, providing a smooth and natural-looking tan. It's all about creating the ideal canvas for the tanning solution to work its magic, ensuring a radiant and flawless finish that lasts.

"Confidence is the best outfit, and a spray tan is the perfect accessory." - Karl Lagerfeld

No Perfume or Fragrances

Steering clear of perfumes or fragrances before a spray tan is a key yet often overlooked aspect of pre-tanning preparation. Fragrances contain alcohol and other compounds that can interfere with the tanning solution's application and development on the skin. These substances may create a BARRIER that affects the solution's ability to bond evenly, potentially resulting in patchy or uneven tan areas. By arriving at your spray tan appointment without any perfumes or heavily scented products, you're ensuring that the tanning solution interacts optimally with your skin, allowing for a flawless and natural-looking tan. It's all about eliminating any potential obstacles that might hinder the tanning process, ensuring that your tan develops evenly for that radiant and long-lasting sun-kissed glow.

Skip makeup, deodorant, and perfume on the day of your spray tan to allow for optimal solution absorption and prevent any interference with the tanning process.

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Nail Care

Paying attention to nail care before a spray tan might seem unrelated, yet it's a crucial detail that can impact the final result. Tanning solutions, especially those containing bronzing agents, can discolour nail polish, leaving nails looking less than perfect post-tan if barrier cream is not used. To avoid potential staining, it's advisable to either remove nail polish, ask for barrier cream, or apply a clear coat to act as a protective barrier. If your nails are finished matte please ask for barrier cream. Additionally, ensuring your nails are clean and free of any residue prevents unwanted colouration that might detract from the overall flawless tan. You do want to ensure you get your mani & pedi before the spray tan as you should not exfoliate after. This attention to detail might seem minor, but it contributes to a polished and complete look, ensuring that every aspect of your appearance enhances rather than detracts from the radiant glow of your spray tan.

Plan your Workout Routine

Planning your workout routine around your spray tan session might not seem directly related, but it's a strategic move that can significantly impact the final outcome. Intense physical activities causing excessive sweating can affect the tanning solution's development and adherence to the skin. Sweat can potentially cause streaking or uneven coloration, compromising the overall appearance of your tan. I plan my post-tan activities carefully, avoiding sweat-inducing exercises or showers to let the tan set perfectly. Scheduling your workouts for after your spray tan has fully developed allows the solution ample time to set and bond with your skin without interference. This thoughtful planning ensures that your tan develops evenly and flawlessly, giving you the confidence to hit the gym without worrying about compromising your radiant glow.

Hydration and Diet

Hydration and diet might not seem directly linked to a spray tan, but they play a pivotal role in achieving that flawless, radiant glow. Proper hydration keeps your skin supple and moisturized, enhancing the tanning solution's absorption and resulting in a more even tan. Drinking ample WATER in the days leading up to your spray tan can ensure your skin is well-prepped, minimizing the chance of dry patches or uneven coloration. Additionally, incorporating foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can promote healthy skin, contributing to a more vibrant and long-lasting tan. Ultimately, a well-hydrated body and a balanced diet not only benefit your overall health but also lay the groundwork for a beautifully even and glowing spray tan.

"Spray tans: the secret weapon for an instant confidence boost." - Bobbi Brown

Understand the Products & Patch Test

Understanding the products used during a spray tan session is more than a mere formality; it's a crucial step toward ensuring a safe and satisfying experience. Different tanning solutions contain varied ingredients, and being aware of these components can help individuals with sensitive skin or allergies make informed decisions. Additionally, requesting a patch test beforehand allows you to gauge how your skin might react to the tanning solution. A small patch test performed 24 hours before your appointment can identify any potential adverse reactions, providing peace of mind and preventing uncomfortable or unexpected outcomes. By familiarizing yourself with the products used and conducting a patch test, you're taking proactive steps toward a comfortable and successful spray tan experience tailored to your skin's needs.

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Research the Salon

Researching the salon before booking your spray tan appointment is a savvy move that can make a world of difference in your spray tanning experience. Not all salons or technicians use the same quality products or follow the best practices. By researching reviews, checking their website, or seeking recommendations, you can gauge the salon's reputation and expertise. A reputable salon will prioritize cleanliness, use high-quality tanning solutions, and employ skilled technicians who understand different skin types and application techniques. This diligence ensures you're entrusting your tan to professionals who prioritize customer satisfaction and safety, setting the stage for a successful and enjoyable spray tan experience. After all, investing a little time in research can lead to a glowing outcome that exceeds your expectations.


Planning the timing of your spray tan in relation to events or engagements might seem like a minor detail, but it's a strategic move that can elevate your entire experience. Spray tans usually take several hours to fully develop and settle into your skin's natural tone. Timing your session a day or two before an event allows the tan to fully mature, ensuring it looks natural and flawless for your special occasion. This approach also provides a window for any minor adjustments or touch-ups, guaranteeing that you step into your event with confidence and a radiant, even glow. By syncing your spray tan appointment strategically with your SCHEDULE, you're maximizing the impact of your tan, ensuring it complements and enhances your overall look for any important moment or celebration.

Five Essential Products to Help Maintain and Take Care of your Spray Tan:

  • Moisturizer: Opt for a hydrating, oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin nourished and prevent your tan from fading prematurely. Look for products specifically formulated for post-tanning care to maintain your tan's longevity.
  • Gentle Body Wash or Cleanser: Use a mild, sulfate-free body wash or cleanser to keep your skin clean without stripping away the tan. Avoid products with harsh ingredients that can cause your tan to fade faster.
  • Exfoliating Mitt or Glove: An exfoliating mitt or glove is essential for gently removing dead skin cells, especially in the days leading up to your next spray tan appointment. Regular exfoliation ensures a more even fade and helps prepare your skin for a fresh tan.
  • Tan Extender or Enhancer: Consider using a tan extender or enhancer specifically designed to prolong the life of your tan. These products often contain ingredients that help maintain color and hydration, extending the longevity of your spray tan.
  • SPF Sunscreen: Protect your skin from UV damage with a broad-spectrum sunscreen, especially if you plan to be outdoors. Opt for an oil-free formula to prevent any interference with your tan while shielding your skin from sun exposure.

These products are essential for maintaining the appearance and durability of your spray tan, ensuring a longer-lasting and more even tan.

Clothing & Shoes

Wearing loose-fitting clothing and shoes before and after a spray tan might seem like a small detail, but it plays a significant role in preserving your tan's flawless finish. Tight clothing can rub against the skin, potentially causing friction and disrupting the even application of the tan. Opting for loose attire not only prevents smudging or streaking but also allows the tanning solution to fully dry and set without interference. Likewise, choosing loose-fitting shoes minimizes contact with the feet, preventing any accidental smudging or unevenness in the tan. We suggest a long loungewear set and flip flips to wear to and from your appointment. This attention to clothing and footwear ensures your tan develops smoothly and evenly, leaving you with a natural, seamless glow that's ready to shine at any moment.

Wear loose, dark-colored clothing to your appointment to avoid any potential staining from the tanning solution and ensure comfort post-application.

Communicate with your Technician

Communication with your spray tan technician before your session is a pivotal step toward achieving the perfect tan tailored to your preferences. Your technician is your ally in ensuring a flawless and personalized outcome. Sharing any concerns, expectations, or specific details about your skin type, allergies, or desired tan shade helps your technician understand your needs better. They can then customize the tanning solution, application technique, and aftercare advice to suit you perfectly. This dialogue fosters a collaborative approach, allowing your technician to address any worries or queries and provide expert guidance. Ultimately, effective communication sets the stage for a comfortable, satisfying, and uniquely tailored spray tan experience that leaves you feeling confident and glowing.

Follow Aftercare

Following aftercare instructions provided post-spray tan is the key to preserving your tan's longevity and radiance. The immediate hours after your session are critical for the tanning solution to set and develop fully. AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS typically include avoiding water exposure, sweating, or applying lotions for a specific period. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that your tan develops evenly and flawlessly, allowing the color to deepen naturally. Additionally, after the initial development period, moisturizing regularly helps extend the life of your tan by keeping your skin hydrated and preventing premature fading or patchiness. A hydrating, oil-free moisturizer is my go-to post-tan to keep my skin nourished and my tan vibrant. After my tan develops, moisturizing becomes a routine to maintain the glow and prolong the tan's life. Sunscreen is also essential after you get a spray tan as it does not protect you from sun damage. I swear by SPF sunscreen to protect my tan while enjoying the outdoors, ensuring it lasts longer. Following these aftercare steps is like nurturing your tan, helping it thrive and ensuring you enjoy that sun-kissed glow for as long as possible.

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Kisses, A

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