Why Did I Start Blogging

Sunday Beauty // April 23 // 0 Comments

Hi beauty bestie!

If you are wondering why did I start blogging here it is..

I started this blog as a way to express myself. I have always found that writing things down helps me to organize my thoughts. I am constantly making lists. It is a great way for me to communicate my thoughts and feelings to others. It’s a way to explore my own ideas and reflect on my experiences.

In this blog I want to share my experiences and knowledge. It’s all about finding the platform that works best for you and your audience. I have already experienced so much and I’d love to get you closer to where you want to be faster, and without all the mistakes I made. I want to ignite something in you to take responsibility of your life. I don’t know everything but I do know a lot, and I want to share. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER so let’s learn together. 

Top 3 Goals of Blog:

  • Inspiration
  • Community 
  • Information

I started this blog because consistent writing through blogging will definitely improve my writing skills over time. It allows me to practice and experiment with different writing styles, structures, and topics. I used to love writing papers in school and let all my creative juices flow. In elementary school, I was actually in a speech competition for my writing skills. I’m also increasing my reading and getting feedback on my writing from others, and studying grammar and punctuation. Looking forward to completing some writing courses to further develop my skills.

Connect with me in my Email List

Why did I start this blog? This blog will help spread positivity. There are many ways to spread positive energy, such as complimenting someone, sharing a smile, doing a random act of kindness, or simply being a good listener. Engaging in activities that make you happy and spending time with positive people can also help to spread positivity. Remember, a little positivity can go a long way. The ultimate aim of life is to achieve happiness.

Let’s be happy together.

This beauty blog will put me in front of newer entrepreneurs. It is important to be a role model and inspiring others to achieve greatness. When people see you doing great things, they are motivated to do the same. Encouraging and uplifting others can have a powerful impact and create a ripple effect of positivity. Being kind, generous, and humble are indeed valuable traits that can improve our relationships with others and lead to greater personal satisfaction. I believe you have the ability to create the life and business you dream about.

Why did I start blogging? This blog will help develop the mindset of both clients and fellow business professionals. Resetting your mindset is a great suggestion for personal growth and development. Being open to new ideas can help expand our thinking and lead to new opportunities and experiences. I always strive to be better than I was the day before. Everyone has SOMETHING to learn from another person, no matter where you come from or where you are at in life.

How important is your mindset?

In addition, I started this blog to connect me with people. Connecting with others who have similar interests can be helpful for a few reasons. It can provide a sense of belonging and community, which is important for our mental and emotional well-being. It can allow us to learn from others and expand our knowledge and skills. Finally, it can lead to new opportunities and experiences that we may not have had otherwise. Check out my Pinterest pins!

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel

I’ve started writing a blog to join the blogging community. I’ve started by selecting the WordPress platform to host my blog. I have begun writing and publishing my posts. I engage with other bloggers by commenting on their posts and sharing my content on social media platforms. Building an audience takes time and consistency to grow community. I look forward to attending blogging community events as a great way to connect with other bloggers, learn new skills, and gain exposure for my own blog. This is how I will get inspired to create even better content for my readers.

Additionally, I strive to confront my own limiting beliefs when it relates to expanding my business. Confronting fears is important as it allows us to overcome limitations and grow as individuals. By facing our fears, we can gain confidence, learn new skills, and expand our comfort zones. Avoiding fears can lead to missed opportunities and a feeling of stagnation. Why did I start blogging, writing this blog will help me grow.

Furthermore, blogs can be a valuable tool for building a brand and business in several ways. They can help increase brand awareness, establish expertise in a particular industry, showcase my personality in the beauty industry, drive traffic to a website, and provide a platform for engaging with customers and potential customers. Additionally, regularly publishing high-quality content on a blog can help improve a website’s rankings, which can ultimately lead to increased visibility and traffic. I want to be known as a thought leader and attract a loyal following. Message me on Facebook

“A big business starts small.” – Richard Branson

Moreover, this beauty blog will create awareness by providing informative and engaging content about various beauty topics, products, trends, and techniques. The blog can also collaborate with brands and experts in the beauty industry to share their knowledge and insights with the readers. Additionally, the blog can use social media platforms to reach a wider audience and create a community of beauty enthusiasts who can share their experiences and opinions.

What kind of beauty topics would you like me to write about?

I want to help make your day more productive. This blog will do that for you. Working together can often lead to increased productivity as it allows individuals to share responsibilities and leverage each other’s strengths. Collaborating with others can also result in new ideas and perspectives that may not have been considered otherwise. Let’s stop feeling guilty about not getting anything done. GREAT people do things before they are READY.

Also, why I started a blog is because blogs can generate income through various methods such as advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, selling products or services, and accepting donations or sponsorships. I have a clear beauty niche and women audience, as well as consistent and quality content to attract readers and potential sources of income. 

Let’s get some money honey!

Blogging is a great way to share my passion for beauty with others. By creating content and sharing it online, I can connect with people who share similar interests and build a community around your passion. It is so important to find all your passions in life. When passions are apart of your daily life you will never feel unfulfilled. Plus, blogging can be a fun and fulfilling creative outlet. When you write about your passion it is inspiring.

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” -Oprah Winfrey

Another reason for why did I start bogging is launching and running a business can indeed be a lonely experience, as I feel like I am solely responsible for the success or failure of my venture. However, it’s important to remember that you are not alone in this journey. There are many resources available for entrepreneurs, such as networking events, mentorship programs, and online communities. It’s also important to prioritize self-care and maintain a support system of family and friends who can offer encouragement and assistance when needed. 

Calling all lady bosses LET’S BE FRIENDS!

Here is my Instagram , DM me!

I also began beauty blogging because blogs are a great way to document my life and beauty business journey as it allows me to share my experiences, thoughts and insights with a wide audience. My blog will help me establish myself as an expert in my field, build my personal brand, and connect with others who share my interests. Additionally, blogs can serve as a valuable resource for my audience, providing you with useful information and advice. By regularly updating my blog, I can also improve my skills and track my progress over time. Stay to watch me document my life and learn from my mistakes and celebrate my victories!

These are all the reasons to why did I start blogging.

I’m a blogger now.

Let’s go girls!

xx Autumn

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